A downloadable Mixer

The Swamp near The Keep is not usually a popular place to pass through, too warm, wet, and sticky. However, as the ancestral home of the frœgues, it has always seen some traffic, and connoisseurs of fine foods and wine have often enjoyed visits to the bistro in The Swamp, affectionately known as Le Crapaud.

More recently, a rowdier crowd has moved in, as a group of vikings have run their longship aground. Enamoured with the warmer temperatures and tropical fruits, they have converted the remains of their ship to a tiki bar.

The Swamp is now more popular than ever, both for Keep-dwellers looking for some excitement, and for those just passing through, keeping their boots as dry as possible. How about stopping for a drink? There has never been a better time for Getting Sloshed in the Swamp!

Getting Sloshed in the Swamp is a supplement for Barkeep on the Borderlands by Prismatic Wasteland. It is made with its pub crawling rules in mind, but can be used with any game you think could use two bars in a swamp.

This supplement is written by Markus M with art by Jules.


GettingSloshed_pages.pdf 5.3 MB
GettingSloshed_spreads.pdf 5.3 MB


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I like the extra tables you included to make it unique. Heads up though, page 7, your sports table is mistitled "tattoos".


Thanks for the kind words, and your keen eyes! I have updated the file to now have one less mistake.